Title: Efficiency in production equine induced pluripotency cells (IPS) using fibroblasts and umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells
Guastali completed his undergraduate and master's degree at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, currently is a doctoral student at the same university, working with embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotency stem cells in bovines and equines, and production of bovine embryos in vitro, and is revising of the Cell Biology International since 2013.
Introduction: An alternative to creating banks of pluripotent stem cells involves reprogramming the somatic cell nucleus. This induced reprogramming results from the action of different molecules, including transcription factors and other proteins. Recently, several groups have reported the induction of pluripotency in human fibroblasts through the transduction with viral vectors expressing OCT4, C-MYC, KLF4 and SOX2 genes. The cells called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) have a morphology characteristic of embryonic stem cells, express pluripotent markers and are capable to differentiate in tissues from the three germ layers in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the generation of iPS cells from the reprograming of different cell types by specific factors, could represent an alternative to obtaining a bank of stem cells with pluripotent characteristics. Objective: Equine fibroblasts and umbilical cord cells (EUCC) were genetically modified using lentiviral vectors containing STEMCCA excitable polycistronic human cDNA of OCT4, SOX2, c-MYC and KLF4 (EF1a-hSTEMCCA) in order to transform unipotent and multipotent cells in pluripotent cells. Materials and methods: EUCC and fibroblasts were plated at a concentration of 5x103 cells per well of 9.6 cm2 and cultured in DMEM high glucose with 20% FBS, 1% penicillin/streptomycin and 1.2% amphotericin. When cultures reached approximately 60% confluence they were transducted in a medium containing 50 mL of viral concentrate plus 8 ηg/ml polybrene (hexadimethrine bromide, Sigma). The medium was renewed after 14 hours of incubation. Five days post-transduction, the cells were transferred into MEFs. During reprogramming period cell were cultured in a specific medium for iPS. Between days 6 and 15 post-transduction we evaluate the time to the beginning of the appearance of colonies, colony morphology and number of colonies (greater than 1 mm diameter) formed per well. Results: In fibroblasts´ cultures the colonies began to form on day 7 and in EUCC´ cultures on day 6. Both cultures developed thin colonies,with well-defined edges, formed by small cells of uniform size and hexagonal appearance, with evident nucleus containing one or two nucleoli. In each well 18 colonies were formed, on average, independently of the cell type. The cultures remained viable and colonies multiply in the course of 15 days. Conclusion: Lentiviral vectors were efficient to deliver the transcription factors to cells, formed colonies showed morphological characteristics similar to embryonic stem cells between 6 and 7 days post-transduction. Future experiments will be conducted for immuno genotypic characterization of these cells.
Leandro Maia
Title: Analysis of colony-forming unit-fibroblast efficiency from stem cells from umbilical cord equine cryopreserved with different mediums
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) - Brazil, with honors. In 2008 completed his Masters in Clinical and Surgery of Large Animals by UFV and later Specialization in Physical Therapy and Veterinary Rehabilitation by the Faculty of Jaguariuna (2011). In 2012 became Doctor in Clinical and Surgery of Large Animals at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ) UNESP Botucatu, Brazil. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at FMVZ-UNESP with realization of research activities related to cultivation and stem cell biology, cryopreservation and proteomic analysis.
The aim of the present work was to evaluate the colony-forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) efficiency of mesenchymal stem cells from intervascular matrix of equine umbilical cord (MSC-UCMI) after cryopreservation with different mediums (M). For this, MSC-UCMI (n=5) previously characterized were cryopreserved using Mr frosty (Nalgene®) with the following protocols: M1: DMEM high glucose, 20% FBS, 10% DMSO; M2 (free from FBS): DMEM high glucose, 10% PVA, 10% DMSO; M3: 90% FBS, 10% DMSO; M4: 90% conditioned medium (DMEM high glucose + 20% FBS), 10% DMSO. After three months storage in liquid nitrogen, samples from M1, M2, M3, and M4 were thawed and seeded in low density (210 cells/ cm2) for the assay of CFU-F in triplicate. The calculation of CFU-F efficiency was carried out using the formula: CFU-F efficiency= (counted CFU-F /cells originally seeded) x 100. The results obtained for the different protocols (M1, M2, M3 and M4) were analyzed using ANOVA followed by post-test Student-Newman-Keuls Method taking P<0.05 as significant. The results revealed good CFU-F efficiency for the cryopreserved samples with M1 (9.9±1.4%), M3 (10.1±1.0%) and M4 (10.9±0.9%) without difference among these protocols (P>0, 05). On the other hand, MSC-UCMI cryopreserved with M2 (free from FBS) did not adhere and had no ability to form fibroblast colonies because of the low cell viability observed. It can be concluded that MSC-UCMI cryopreserved with medium containing FBS (M1, M3, M4) have adequate capacity of in vitro self renewal and can be cultured after thawing.