Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
8th World Congress and Expo on Cell & Stem Cell Research, will be organized around the theme “Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Cell and Stem Cell Research”
Stem Cell Research 2017 is comprised of 19 tracks and 98 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Stem Cell Research 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Stem Cells: an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism which is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation.
- Track 1-1Embryonic stem cells
- Track 1-2Adult stem cells
- Track 1-3Fetal stem Cells
- Track 1-4Induced pluripotent stem cells
- Track 1-5Neural stem cells
Cord blood, which contains powerful stem cells, comes from a newborn's umbilical cord and is collected immediately after birth. Once the umbilical cord has been clamped and cut, the remaining blood in the umbilical cord is drawn into a collection bag
- Track 2-1Hematopoietic stem cell bank
- Track 2-2Umbilical cord blood banks
- Track 2-3Potential non hematopoietic and stem cells
- Track 2-4Ethical and legal Issues
- Track 3-1Neurodegeneration
- Track 3-2Malignant and non-malignant diseases
- Track 3-3Stem cell replacement
- Track 3-4Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
- Track 3-5Oral stem cell therapy
- Track 3-6Stem cells: therapeutic uses
- Track 4-1Protection of human stem cells
- Track 4-2Stem cell and insulin
- Track 4-3Hematopoietic malignancies
- Track 4-4Immune cells regulate blood stem cells
- Track 5-1Cancer diagnostics and biomarkers
- Track 5-2Organ cancer: breast, oral, head and neck Cancer
- Track 5-3Myeloid, lymphoid leukemia’s
- Track 5-4Cancer treatments
- Track 6-1Tumor propagation models
- Track 6-2Cancer stem cells and therapies
- Track 7-1Invivo Stem cell Microenvironment
- Track 7-2Invitro Stem Cell Microenvironment
- Track 7-3Vertebrate Adult Stem cell Niche
- Track 7-4Cancer Stem Cell Niche
- Track 7-5Extracellular Matrix Mimicking strategies for Stem cell Niche
- Track 8-1Bone regeneration and modern techniques
- Track 8-2Cartilage regeneration
- Track 8-3Graft vs host disease and crohn’s disease
- Track 8-4Regeneration technologies for hearts, limbs and other organs
- Track 8-5Cell-based tissue engineering and cell signalling
- Track 8-6Biomedical engineering
- Track 9-1Aging
- Track 9-2Cutaneous Regeneration
- Track 9-3Progenitor cells
- Track 10-1Mitochondrial dysfunction
- Track 10-2Novel therapeutics
- Track 10-3Tissue aging
- Track 10-4Antiaging therapies
- Track 11-1Mesenchymal Stem Cell
- Track 11-2Cell therapy application in veterinary medicine
- Track 11-3Stem cells and Regeneration in veterinary science
- Track 12-1Histology
- Track 12-2Pathology
- Track 12-3Cancer Stem Cells and drug resistance
- Track 13-1Allogenic cell therapy
- Track 13-2Human embryonic stem Cells
- Track 13-3Neural stem cell Therapy
- Track 13-4Messenchymal stem cell therapy
- Track 13-5Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Track 14-1Tissue repair
- Track 14-2Mechanism of Cellular Plasticity
- Track 14-3Adaptive celular reprogamming
- Track 15-1Embryonic stem cells
- Track 15-2Science of stem cell research and potential therapies
- Track 15-3Disadvantages of stem cell treatment
- Track 15-4Current status of human stem cell research
- Track 16-1Pluripotent stem cells
- Track 16-2iPS cell disease model
- Track 17-1Genomic analysis and molecular basis of cancer
- Track 17-2Ubiquitination pathways for cancer therapy
- Track 17-3Novel therapeutics
- Track 17-4Epigenetics and cancer stem cells
- Track 17-5Specific cancer immunotherapy
- Track 17-6Genomic analysis and molecular basis of cancer
- Track 17-7Genomic analysis and molecular basis of cancer
- Track 17-8Ubiquitination pathways for cancer therapy
- Track 17-9Translational studies for cancer stem cell-based therapies
- Track 17-10Epigenetics and cancer stem cells
- Track 17-11Specific cancer immunotherapy
- Track 17-12Inflammatory diseases and cancer
- Track 17-13Cancer Stem cells and impaired apoptosis
- Track 17-14Apoptosis and Haematopoitic Stem cells
- Track 18-1Bioinformatics analysis of stemcells
- Track 18-2Biorobotics and biosensors
- Track 18-3Cellular computing and drug discovery
- Track 18-4Gene expression analysis
- Track 19-1Hematopoietic stem cells
- Track 19-2Blastocyst Complementation
- Track 19-3Decellularization