Akshay Anand
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research India
Akshay Anand graduated from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER). He is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration utilizing invitro, invivo, alternative and biotherapeutic approaches. He has been involved in the discovery of animal model of AMD published in Nature Medicine. Dr Anand is a recipient of ICMR Shankuntla Amir Chand Award (2010), Young Scientist Award from DAE (2005), Runners up for NASI Scopus Award for Biological Sciences(2012), served as Judge at ISEF, USA (2002-3), and is the Editor in Chief of Annals of Neurosciences.
Abstract : Does hUCB derived Lin-ve stem cells rescue amyloid-β peptide induced mouse model of memory loss